Welcome Conscious Creator!

Are you ready to shift from victim mindset to Empowered Baddie? 

Are you ready to take radical responsibility for yourself? 

Is it time for you to do the inner work that creates the massive abundant outer shifts? 

If those were FUCK YESES or little itty bitty maybe sorta kinda pleases, you are in the right place! 


If you could create anything for yourself,

what would your I AM be…?  







The possibilities of your


are endless!


Enrollment Open!

The Inner Alchemy Mastermind Journey

Who I am right now ➼  Who I desire to be ➼  How to get there


3 months of Deep Inner Alchemy 


What it contains...

1) 3 group calls each month including:

  • 1 morning call 
  • 1 evening call 
  • 1 Sunday call 

👉 2 of our monthly calls will be on a specific topic and 1 will be based on the needs & desire of the group. 

👉 Our group calls will create a sacred container for us to sink our teeth into a spiritual concept, a way of being, a mindset shift, a facet of the quantum and truly experience it, in the 3D and 5D. 


2) Group Messenger chat — daily attention from Lindsay Monday - Friday

  • so much magic happens in group chats, growing from each other, growing with each other 


3) Rituals, ceremonies, and active practice sessions throughout the Mastermind 

  • this is such a BIG aspect of this mastermind; we will focus consistently on shifting from the doing to the being, so we will BE in deep practice so often 


4) Access to Limiting Beliefs — Digital Couse to support you in deeper integrations of one of the MAJOR parts of Lindsay’s transformative process 


5) Access to the Energetic Body — Digital Course to support our exploration of the energetic of the self & the soul 


6) Vault Access join us in the Our & Are monthly membership for additional support and spiritual practice 

"EFT feels like the cheat code for the game of life" — Katherine R. 

Using EFT for Expelling Limiting Beliefs 


One of our deep dive topics will be on Limiting Beliefs and how our own paradigm or operating system is truly what keeps us from ANYTHING we desire (that we do not experience in our physical reality).

When I teach on Limiting Beliefs, I always work with Emotional freedom technique.

I wanna chat about how EFT became the magic wand in my tool box. Ready for fast, easy, & efficient change, let me teach you EFT my way. 

  • EFT helped a client of mine reprogram self image blocks and show up on social media which called in clients, moola, and more magic immediately! 

  • EFT supported a client of mine in releasing abundance blocks from her parents and achieve a million dollar brand (now she has a multi million dollar dharmic brand)

  • EFT helped me rewire my blocks around being too much from my father, and now my TOO MUCH calls in my soulmate clients! 

EFT is a magic wand and I want to support you in learning this practice, the nuance, the edits, and the customization that has changed my clients lives! 

You also get access to the FULL limiting beliefs digital course and the Energetic Body Digital Course. 

We use these programs to bring in even more deep integrative understandings to our work. 

Sign me up!

Sitting in deep practice is my favorite — channeling for y'all, helping you to see it differently, integrating it more fully, and connecting with your guides, your team, and that which you believe in ✨


Let's explore the realm of possibilities,
let's play in the quantum! 

Are you ready to wield the magic? 

 Every facet of this mastermind is potent and juicy, just luscious. Let's adorn our divine selves. Let's detail out the strategy for operating in our most aligned state. 


If you are not 100% in love with your life, your business, your relationships, what you have, or where you are at, this mastermind is the container for you. 

More than a short term solution, this long term shift in your way of BEING will be creating results for days, weeks, months, and years to come. 

Sign me up!

Your Time is Now!

Whether you have "done the work" before or this is your find time diving into the deep inner soul work, Lindsay is a profound guide, here to hold a safe & sacred container for MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION. 

Lindsay is profoundly gifted at reading energy, supporting your energy, and jumpstarting your intuitive activations! Join this container and marry the practical & the energetic work, skills, practices, tools, and habits that will pave the way for CONSCIOUS CREATION. 


In the IAMastermind:

you learn exactly how to identify who you are right now

  • you need to know where you are to get somewhere else 

get comfortable with those big dreams and get clear on who you DESIRE to be 

✨ receive step by step, personalized support on HOW to shift from unaware, into the conscious observer, into the CONSCIOUS CREATOR, so you can create who you desire to be, what you desire to have, and go where you desire to go! 

Are you ready for some SACRED Embodiment!?

✨ Embodying ABUNDANCE 

✨ Embodying ALCHEMY 

✨ Embodying FLOW 

✨ Embodying your DIVINITY

✨ Embodying FREEDOM 


Now what does embodiment truly mean…

Cause I know it can be one of those spiritual buzz words 

EMBODIMENT is becoming one with it, becoming it, bringing it into the body

EMBODIMENT is the true magic 

EMBODIMENT is a game changer, a life changer 


That is why Embodiment is one of the MAJOR themes in the 



This is the mastermind to support you, hold space for you, and facilitate your inner activations to embody your I AMs. 


What is your I AM…? 

I have so many ideas, so many downloads, I can feel the energy of those aligned souls circling, looking for this, I truly could go on and on, I have witnessed my clients embody and become their I AM statements in my private coaching work, and this sacred offering presents these gifts, these core transformations in a POWERHOUSE MASTERMIND! You receive a sacred container, an aligned community, together we become a living alchemical workshop, a prayer, a collective offering, a community embodiment. 


Are you feeling juicy and excited? 



If you are calling in a deeper experience of alchemy in your life, this is the space for you

If you are ready to step into the quantum and experience your ability to consciously create on a new scale... 

Then it’s time to check out the IAMASTERMIND! 



Meet Lindsay 

So a little bit about me, I’m a spiritual wellness mentor, a priestess, and an intuitive business coach who weaves together the practical and the energetic. 


And a little about my gifts: 

  • I am phenomenal at supporting you in developing your own intuition, elevating your own skillset, and activating your psychic powers  
  • I am a true holder of space, — the containers I create have a powerful potent aspect to the vibration — just being held in this space will change things for you 
  • I am a channel, — together we can access your guides, your aura, your quantum gifts, and so much more 

Are you ready to do this?


This call,

This feeling,
Does it echo and reverberate within you? 
Does it awaken a pull within you?

This is for you if:

  • You seek the marriage of the practical and the energetic — that means profound experiences but with the technical skills to carry it forward into your life 
  • You are ready to learn to consciously shift your inner realm of reality to create the outer shifts you desire
  • You desire the development of your intuition, so you can access your guides, messages, and gain clarity from the universe on your synchronicities and symbols
  • You are ready to soften into your true nature?  

That means you have to be willing to… 

👉 reprogram & shift the shoulds, the musts, and the have to's

👉 identify, process, shift, & reprogram your limiting beliefs — the ones that block your desires 

👉 show up for yourself and step into the fullness of your soul 

👉 receive and achieve a lot FUCKING MORE (in many aspects of your life)

MORE 🪄Magic🪄

MORE 💰Money💰 

MORE ✨Inner Alchemy✨

👇 Does your journey look a lot like this 👇


"I'm not sure who I am" — a reoccurring thought within yourself  

Fear grabs ahold of you when you try to take the next steps forward into fulfillment

The voice in the back of your head is keeping you from creating the SELF of your dreams

You hear why me, who am I to do that, it will never happen, and more BS when start to take steps towards your desires

You LOVE spiritual tools but aren't sure how to leverage them to grow your impact in the world (and for YOURSELF) 

❌ You aren't as happy or as fulfilled in your life as you thought you would be or as you desire to be

You self sabotage, procrastinate, and beat yourself up about not being further 

👇 Your journey could look like this instead👇


✨ I AM consciously creating who I am, allowing myself to grow & flow

✨ I AM integrating lessons on my first experience, I am working WITH my higher self

✨ I AM making MORE & MORE money through my aligned business, career, or income streams. I AM letting go of the hustle and stepping into flow.

✨ I AM shifting the relationship I have with spiritual practice & tools — I AM leveraging them to support my life & business in the up-levels I desire! 

✨ I AM in total confidence of my spiritual toolbox. I know whenhow to use the tools I've got for my own benefit, in a way that feels sooo good to me! (My favorite part of this one, this will stay true even after you are done working with me — that's BIG)

Lindsay will be offering TONS of support for all learning and integration styles: 

  • training videos 
  • downloable mediations 
  • pdf workbooks 
  • ceremony overviews 
  • strategy overviews 
  • and more! 


I want to snag my spot!

Have you been journaling, meditating, vision boarding?

But you know it’s uplevel time… you can feel it swirling inside? 

Just trying to surface & make itself know! 


Have you found yourself craving a deeper means of connecting through “the work”? 


Are you ready to access a whole new level of CONSCIOUSNESS? Lindsay has the Right Angle Cross of Consciousness in her Human Design chart, for those of you HD lovers. She is unbelievably gifted at supported the individual & the collective in accessing a higher level of consciousness. 


If you’ve been working on these things on your own and are ready for more support, ready to see & feel results, ready for access to:  

  • Education 
  • Tools 
  • The Sciene weaved in throughout spirituality 
  • The Practical  
  • The Energetics 
  • Practices 
  • Rituals 
  • Ceremonies 
  • Teachings



If you feel that YES! 

Then the IAMASTERMIND is singing the song of your soul 

Seda's Testimonial

Madeline's Testimonial

Seda's Testimonial

All The Tools & Support You'd Desire To Build Your Most Aligned Self

The irons in the fire are white hot! Do you feel that too? I feel it so deeply! I have so much magic to share, new ways of offering, new gifts to access and work with, and of course new souls that I feel deeply magnetized to this great work inside us both. 

It is truly a mutual calling to do this work, this sacred sacred work.

So I am singing my song from the rooftops, calling in my people, do you hear yourself whistling it under your breath!? 

It's time to look at who we are, who we desire to be, and create a pathway that supports us in embodying & BEING that self. 



is currently enrolling aligned soulprenuers & spiritual beings for our JUNE 2024 Kickoff! 

Will YOU be joining us!?

Let's take a look at what it's like to work with Lindsay...  


"You are a category leader, is what we call it in the marketing world, you are doing something nobody has ever done before."

— Katherine R. 


Katherine had worked with some of the world's best business coaches, mentors, and coaching companies when she found me, when she searched me out. After our first few calls she was so blown away, saying more than once I've already gotten my money's worth.

One of my favorite things she told me, "Your approach to pull those things (referring to her own innate magic) out of someone like me was nothing like I had ever witnessed before in a business coach."  

The work that we do, that we create, is truly my heart's greatest honor! 

I am calling in individuals who feel inspired, so inspired by Katherine's experience. Are you feeling it!? Are you ready for your massive up level!? 

Working with Lindsay was the KEY to discovering that fragmenting myself into my pieces to stay "safe" wasn't working for me? I found this was one of my deepest limiting beliefs and the actual OPPOSITE of truth. I finally saw all the professional opportunities by bringing the output of my spiritual self and skills to my career. 

Now why Linsday? What did she provide that my years of practice before couldn't? The connections. The insight. The permission. The push. Understandings of your belief system transform into your actual being; your experience of life itself. 


Our key breakthrough can be pinpointed to February 2nd, 2021. Today is May 13th, 2021, under 100 days later, I am one week into my new job as Global Finance Director at a billion-dollar corporation, moved in with my soulmate, sold my condo at a $40k profit and have never been so aligned. If you feel called, just jump. You will never regret the abundant abyss of Our and Are."

— Heidi K.

"Working with Lindsay makes me money"

— Ruby Lee 

Ruby's first time working with Lindsay she was calling in 10k months and hiding her spiritual side, deeper into her work with Lindsay she was calling in 100k months and showing off her spiritual magic. Ruby now owns a million dollar intuitive coaching brand in which spirituality is a main pillar! 



"I want to speak to how deep, how personal I was able to go because of the safety and security of the container you created and held for me." 

— Britt Olson 

Britt is a light in this world, she is a powerhouse coach and podcast host, in addition to a luxe retreat creator. Britt is one of my most favorite examples of :::The INNER WORK creates the OUTER SHIFTS:::  

She transformed her business, through the inner work, through the vulnerability, through the sacredness of showing up to our work as her full raw whole self. This has inspired me so much to create this mastermind container to offer this sacredness, this healing space, this cauldron of alchemy to others. 

"The spiritual tools I’ve learned from working with Lindsay have completely shifted the way I think about myself and what is possible for growing a business. I feel aligned with my goals and now know that I have everything I need to achieve them. I never thought I’d be able to work for myself but with the tools I’ve learned from Lindsay I really believe that I can achieve my desires and that the more aligned I am with myself and my passion, the quicker and easier abundance and success manifest."

— Alex Dakas, Feng Shui Expert 


Check out who’s used the AutoClients System:

Avni’s Video Testimonial

Video Poster Image

Lattice’s Video Testimonial

Video Poster Image

Let's talk investing in yourself 

This mastermind is truly the most investment friendly way to receive the magic of one of my programs with the potency of individualized work. In this mastermind we are going deep, payment plans available.

Pay In Full


+ 3 month sacred container 

+ 3 calls per month 

  • replay available within the IAM Portal

+ Group Messaging support with Lindsay & other group members

+ Active practice, ceremonies, rituals, education, trainings, and oh so much embodiment 

  • bonuses and additional practice materials within the IAM Portal

The Inner Alchemy Mastermind also includes: 

+ Limiting Beliefs Digital Course

+ The Energetic Body Digital Course

+ Vault Access (Lindsay's monthly membership)

and so much more to support your understanding and integration

Sign up before May 15th & receive

a 1:1 Private - 45 min call with Lindsay


Extended Monthly Payment Plan


6 monthly payments

+ 3 month sacred container 

+ 3 calls per month 

  • replay available within the IAM Portal

+ Group Messaging support with Lindsay & other group members 

+ Active practice, ceremonies, rituals, education, trainings, and oh so much embodiment 

  • bonuses and additional practice materials within the IAM Portal

The Inner Alchemy Mastermind also includes: 

+ Limiting Beliefs Digital Course

+ The Energetic Body Digital Course

+ Vault Access (Lindsay's monthly membership) 

and so much more to support your understanding and integration


Get to know Lindsay

I'm an alchemist, a priestess, and a devoted intuitive soulprenuer mentor, guide, and coach. 

My work marries the practical & the spiritual, the technical and the woo woo. The science & the magic (I believe magic is just science we don't yet understand). 

My passion is supporting you in developing your gifts, creating a life & business you adore and co-create with the universe, and of course existing in a bountiful state of abundance. 

Spiritual tools, practices, rituals, & ceremonies changed my life. If you are ready to alchemize, to transmute, and to up-level, this program is for you!

🖤 Lindsay